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Loewe, C: Suhnopfer Des Neuen Bundes (Das), 'Passion Oratorio'
Udo Reinemann
46 CANCIONES • 1 HORA Y 36 MINUTOS • JUN 20 2006
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 24: Lass ihn kreuzigen [Crucify him] [Chorus] - Recitative. Nun denn, ich bin unschuldig [I am innocent of the blood] [Pilate]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 25: Sein Blut komme uber uns [His blood be upon us] [Chorus]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 26: Aria. Ach seht, der allen wohlgethan [Ah see, he who has brought good to all] [Alto]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 27: Recitative and Chorale. Sehet, ich fuhre ihn heraus zu euch... [See, I bring him out to you...] [Tenor, Tutti]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 28: O, welch ein Anblick [O what a sight] [Tenor]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 29: Chorus. Hort den Simon von Kyrene [Hear Simon of Cyrene] [Chorus, Tenor]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 30: Fliesset, ihr unaufhaltsamen Thranen [Flow, ye ceaseless tears] [Daughters of Sion]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 31: Recitative. Jesus aber wandte sich um [but Jesus turned and said to them] [Bass]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 32: Terzetto. Den wir jungst auf Tabors Hohen [the one whom we lately saw on Tabor's height]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 33: Recitative. Pilatus, du hast auf's Kreuz geschrieben [Pilate, thou hast written on the cross] [Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 34: Was ich geschrieben habe, das habe ich geschrieben [What I have written, I have written] [Pilate]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 35: Der du den Tempel Gottes zerbrichst [Thou who destroyest the Temple of God] [Chorus of the People]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 36: Recitative and Duet. Jesus aber sprach: Vater vergib ihnen [but Jesus said: Father, forgive them] [Christ, Tenor, Bass]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 37: Chorale. Seht die Mutter bang und klagend [See the mother, sad and mourning]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 38: Jesus aber spricht zu seiner Mutter [but Jesus said to his mother] [Christ]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 39: Finsternis bedeckt das Land [Darkness covers the land] [Chorus]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 40: Aria and Chorus. Sein Auge das mich angeblickt [His eyes That regarded me] [Soprano, Chorus]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 41: Recitative. Darnach, als Jesus wusste [Then, when Jesus knew] [Bass] - Chorale. Grosser Friedefurst [Great Prince of peace]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 42: Recitative. Einen Schwamm mit Essig fullet [One of them filled a sponge with vinegar] [Alto, Bass]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 43: Des Tempels Vorhang Is zerrissen [the Temple's veil Is rent] [Chorus]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 44: Mein eigen Grab will ich ihm weihen [My own grave will I give him] [Joseph, Nicodemus]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 45: Einst lagst du auch gehullt in weisse Linnen [Once too thou lay wrapped in white linen] [Daughters of Sion]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 46: Final. Es wird gesaet verweslich [It was sown perishable, and shall rise imperishable] [Chorus]
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Christianne Stotijn, Jacky Da Cunha, Henk Neven, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble, Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble & Udo Reinemann
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