Little Dragon

Texx and the City

29-09-2021 • 45 minutos

Yukimi Nagano is the lead singer of pioneering Swedish quartet, Little Dragon, who combine synth-pop, down-tempo electronic music, hip-hop, and more to create a colourful sound that’s earned them a global audience.

This band flourish best in smoky, soulful environments and their electronic works are light and lithe, with a real richness inherent in the minimalism of their work.

Over two decades, Yukimi and the band have toured the world, but it’s South Africa that they still hold a strong affection and affinity for which Yukimi unpacks in this interview.

Outro song: Water (FKJ Remix) Apple Music

Set List:

Little Man - Apple Music

No Love - Apple music

My Step - Apple Music

Shuffle a Dream - Apple Music

Should I Care - Apple Music

Are You Feeling Sad - Apple Music

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